Flip Quest Update – most cardboard is now gone

The majority of the cards are now gone. I moved most all of the cards, as well as the baseballs. Here is the update! DEAL TRACKER CARDS 2013 Topps Mini Black #/5 Chris Johnson 2014 A&G Ryan Howard Hand #'ed to 25 mini NON CARDS box of educational books Geotrax Set step 2 locker wii fit pad game cube sesame street cubby system air jordans circular chinese dragon wall art 4 ps2 games oriental vase taiwanese chest rody 1 drop-leaf desk drafting table projector screen black ottoman Cash $3,243.75 total Keepers (for now) 1 drop leaf desk Fabric of the

Flip Quest Update!

This is kind of getting monotonous for me, because nothing huge is happening. I do, however, have a few good updates: I picked up another lot of cards (sorry for horrible pics!) Nice chrome & purple refractor heritage lot nice selection of A&G mini sp's inserts etc - incl. a cool Jeter, JoFer mini black rookie, and more. Abreu Tanaka Bryant Trout Puig Springer die cuts etc. Relic of Buster Posey & Billy Hamilton various die cuts autos mini gold #/58 etc. Manziel (SOLD ALREADY) Chris Johnson mini #/5 Ryan Howard Hand #/25 D'Arnaud Hand #/25 (already sold) (already sold)

Flip Quest Update

I have had a hard time keeping up with this puppy recently because of the latest project I've been working on.  It is nearing 2am, but what the heck ... might as well update what's going on! I sold ... Panthers Jersey Scrapbooking Machine new vintage game table a few educational books I also picked up a number of cards which I'm selling in a lot.  After all is said and done, I've come ahead $67.50. Various different varation backs - one has no # and one (the sasquatch) is apparently a case hit. Unbeknownst to me, that golden age

Long Overdue Flip Quest Update

So, I have been MEGA busy - primarily with creating some customs for my personal collection to get ready for a signing coming up. I have not had much time at all to devote to doing anything with the flip quest! Another thing that has been a massive problem, is I've been having major issues with gmail. Everytime someone inquires about something ... I don't know if they get my response or not! Because of this, there hasn't been much movement, but here goes: I sold some books, games, bins and Paula Deen autographed menu for $50. I bought a

Flip Quest Update

Just a quick update!  We didn't do any garage saling this past weekend, because I did a little of this ... Imagine this - At Sea World:  A row of snot nosed brats from ages 3 to 10 lined up, waiting to be embraced by a stranger dressed up in a shamu outfit.  Then imagine me hurling aside all of these children and doing this ... #WINNING Note the mustache shirt and semi-stache on my lip.  Yes folks, I'm going for it ... I'm growing a Rollie Fingers style mustache ... wish me luck!  Not even sure if it is

Quick Flip Quest Update

Garage Saling was a bit of a snooze-fest.  I picked up the following: 4 PS2 games 2 drop leaf desks new in box from Ikea Nice oriental 29" tall dragon vase for $10 Rody (I've sold 2 of these for $20-25 each before)  $1 My favorite pick up of the day - Antique Taiwanese Chest $6 Yesterday, the last camera sold for $250 and the coffee table sold for $30.  Looking forward to getting more cards soon!

My favorite day of the week…

I figured I would update this post since today is GARAGE SALE DAY. One of my favorite days of the week. First, all my cards have sold. I had gotten some in on a trade, but they are gone already too. So, this thread is now card free ... which will probably only last for a few days, I'd imagine. Here is the "stuff" I picked up today at the garage sale. First, this beauty. Note the uber serious gangsta look I'm sporting. Yes, I take my doll buying/selling seriously. (Actually, this is going to my dad to have him

So, you want to be a Sports Card Dealer Rock Star

Flip Quest Update 6/14/14

Well, today was garage saling/selling/sailing (which is it? no matter - I'll be sure to continue to use all of them interchangeably) day - over the first hour, I had ZERO luck. I think I just started out too early. I was able to shell out $30 clams for the following pieces of furniture: Solid buys, if you ask me! 1 educational book and all of my vintage cards sold as well! EDIT:  I forgot to post that the Game of Thrones cards sold also. Anywho, here is the update: DEAL TRACKER CARDS Card lot as shown in 6/13 post

Flip Quest Update

First ... AHHHHH!!!! FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, now that I got that out of my system ... Quite a bit of movement this time 'round. I sold the 3 home security cameras, one of the other type of cameras and photography equipment. I also picked up another nicely diverse lot of things ranging from baseball, football, race cards, soccer and game of thrones. One of the Game of Thrones autos is a $70-80 card, the Bridgewater auto is #5 of 5 and the Ricketts is #1/5. The Trout is really slick also! Those are the stand outs. Selling in lots