Bigger, better Finest Rainbow

So, I redid some and added more ... First, my son went into my office with me yesterday evening while my wifey was gone. He has been itching to make some cards, so we made this for him: It is just a base card, not a refractor, because we didn't have time. (MUCH easier to make a base card, instead of a refractor). The others ... after TONS of tries are below. I enlarged the pic, and put an autograph box for later! Green Gold Blue Red Black SUPERFRACTOR!!!! WOWZERS!!!! GOOOLLLLDDDEEENNNN FIIIIIIIREEEEE!!!!! BOOMJUICEAWESOMESAUCEAMAZEBALLSMOJOBAZINGAMEOW!!!! (chuckles) The golden fire one might actually

Custom cards at their (1993) finest

I've been kind of mia for the past week or two because I'm trying to iron out some details on a large project I'm working on. I took a break from that, and remembered how cool it was to grab a 1993 Finest Canseco refractor for fairly cheap because the seller spelled his name Conseco. It was one of the big card selling companies around too! I was very happy with it, but have always wondered what it would look like if there was a pic of him on the gorgeous green refractor in an A's uni, instead of the

Honey, I blew up the choco taco – a heart warming story of this week’s customs

As someone who is fascinated with extra terrestrial ... everything, I have been quite disappointed with the lack of "real" ufo sightings in the past 5 years.  I mean, c'mon folks!  If you are 12 or older, the odds are that you have an HD ready video camera in your pocket at all times.  Lets put the naysayers to rest!  This is your chance!  Unless ... gulp ... there haven't been any visitations.  I still hold out hope! If you can't take a selfie with ET, there are some other cool things you can do with your camera.  For instance

A custom auto patch & a different kind of book card

If you are a fan of television like me, you may watch the singing or talent shows, like America's Got Talent.  I don't care how many years it has been on, and how annoying the host / judges are.  There is just something about robotic dancers and people that juggle poodles that sing to me. But then, they have more "cultured" entertainers. Like opera singers.  Or men dressed up as women.  Or men opera singers dressed up as women. I confess, I don't really get that.  I watch in awe and the camera pans from the entertainer during the performance

How to turn $20 in cards into a priceless 1 of 1

A few weeks back, my wife and I were watching some television, and we heard a knock on the door.  If you want to scare my wife, that is the way to do it.  Her mind quickly gravitates to home invasions ... especially since we have a NO SOLICITING sign on the front door (too many issues w/Kirby sales people). She told ... errrr ... asked me to look out the blinds instead of open the door, to which I obliged.  There stood a man in the dark, who was asking for me by name - first and last.  He

My Crusade Throughout the Week of Customs, TTM, Chic Fil A and more!

This past week has been busy.  Not work busy, but life busy.  It has been good!  We have discovered the wonderfulness of a kids bowl free program during the summers, so the wife and I bought shoes for ourselves and now we are able to bowl 2 games a day for free basically.  Can't beat that! I'll get to the custom work in a bit, but before I do, there are some things I'd like to document here on my blog (or wherever you are reading this from) so I can look back on it.  After I got my tail

Custom cards for a father

Greetings from on the road, fellow cardboard addicts! As I type this, I'm in a hotel about 200+ miles away from home, and ready to ride shamu.  I just had to post some fun things here while my family is still in bed.   I was recently contacted by someone who wanted to do some baseball cards of himself for his kids, but with a twist.  He played baseball in high school and college (great stats too - batted over 300 and swiped plenty of bags!).  I suggested we do something similar to a Five Star theme.  He loved the

Custom Canseco Patch Card Created

I have been chomping at the bit to start producing some more Canseco PC items for my collection, and I have finally had some time to sit down and work on some of them!  For now, I will just be showing off one, as it is the only one I have finished right now. You may or may not recall, but a few months ago, AJ, the owner of the Canseco PERFECTION COLLECTION (dramatic echoing ... then pause for respect...and...done) sent over a nice little care package for me of game used and autographed Canseco items. Here is a pic

Journey of a Thousand Jeters has Come to an End

Not too long ago, I opened myself up to the world of custom cut autographs.  I made these "nAutos" (not-autos) - I thought they came out pretty slick, even though there wasn't a picture of the players on them. It was from this point on, (actually, before this even) that my entire collecting / custom card creation hobby was turned around. Everything that had an autograph on it became a potential 1 of 1 masterpiece in my head! A Mickey Mantle signed ... ANYTHING could be turned into a work of art .... All of the card companies do it...why

Father’s Day Customs Edition: MONOPOLY & FOUR CORE STYLE

First and foremost, I'm going to have to give a shout out to my family - my wife and son for the BEST Father's Day present ... EVER. They got me a brand new Corvette! Okay, not really. They did something better! Over the past several days, I have found them sneaking around, locking themselves up in my office. One day after work, I shouted up to them "hey come down here, you two - I'm getting lonely!" Well, it was all worth it. If you know me, you know I am a bit of a Monopoly buff. Not that