A Custom Baseball Family Booklet

What card do you want so bad, that you have dreams about it at night? What makes it so attractive to you? Is it the 1 of 1 mark on the back? Perhaps the colored patch configuration. Or maybe it is simply because you cannot seem to get your hands on it. A friend was close to pulling the trigger on a buyback card - it was an early 90's 5 cent card that had a 1/1 stamp on the front. The price tag was $275 and he was considering it. This sort of thing is not for me, but

Fun with Magazines

As a child of the late 80's and early 90's, I grew accustomed to the various magazines. While Beckett was a staple in my day to day reading (gotta keep an eye on those up and down arrows!) I was familiar with the oversized tuff stuff, and "high end" legends magazine. While Beckett had them all beat by a longshot, the other magazines had wonderful articles and even tried to spice up their offerings with some free panels of cards. Even as a kid, I don't think I ever put much value on these. I always kept thinking about a

Custom Cut Auto & Ticket Cards

In the past several months that I have been doing customs, I have found myself to fall deeper and deeper in love with the hobby. Not necessarily just custom making, but collecting in general. In some ways, I see custom card creation as the next evolutionary stage in collecting. A sort of way to create THE card that no one else has or will, with material that means so much to you. For me, it is difficult to keep things that are odd shaped. I've said it before and I'll say it again ... everything is better when it measures

2014 Flip Quest Finale and the Big Secret Reveal

If you have not followed my story during the season, I decided to start a flip quest in April, and ran it all the way until the A's were knocked out of the season. Welp, that happened a few days ago, so I am here to do a recap, as well as do "the big reveal" as to what the end game was. Things started out innocently enough with me trading a custom card I made. Why did I do this? Because I had just started doing custom cards for my collection about a month or two before, and figured

Flip Quest Update – A doozy

How appropriate that, on the last day of the regular season, I have a good update to give.  I am now profitable on everything.  The million card deal and the thunderbird deal are both official money makers for me (pops champagne cork).  As far as bulk goes, I still have TONS ... like ... 98% of everything, and I still haven't hardly touched anything.  I did, however, sell the bulk of the "good stuff" that was immediately visibly evident from both collections. In addition to this, I picked up another small $100 lot from a friend who came over with

Custom Gypsy Queen Mini for a Friend

A friend of mine came over today to pick up 100 boxes of unopened stuff - the last of my "new" stash (the '06 to '12 boxes).  I found out it was his birthday, so I thought this was perfect.  He had spent a long time building the 2012 Gypsy Queen set, and a while back, he sent me a pic of him in uniform while on the phone.  The pic was apparently taken by a flip phone camera, so I was a bit worried about quality. After we talked about the 8,000 pound cardboard gorilla in my garage, I

Flip Quest Update!

When it rains, it pours. Aside from selling another book, the soccer lot, and 2 boxes of cards (with one pending payment) I bought another massive lot. This was from the same guy who sold me the unopened boxes last weekend. I had asked previously if this was all he had, and he said no. He said he had about 2x as much in loose cards in boxes, etc. but could not fit them in his truck. I asked if I could see them, though he was nearly an hour away, and he said sure! The day before I was

Flip Quest Update

Figured I'd do a little update. I bought a nice lot of refractors and inserts. Here are the pics. (Everything is already gone except for the soccer) I sold another book, the black ottoman, drafting table, the Ryan Howard A&G mini hand # card, geotrax set, baseball footbal & racing lot as mentioned above, and several boxes from the wax box hoard I picked up. Here is where we are at now. I may end up picking up quite a few more cards this weekend; I'm not sure just yet.

Another Haul?!?!

I just got back from picking up 150+ wax boxes from the 90's. Very cool stuff! Also included were sets, Nolan Ryan autographed baseball, etc. Here are some pics.  You take the good with the bad!  Thankfully, there was a lot of good :)

Mouschi and the Million Card Acquisition

If you have been following my flip quest, you have probably noticed recently that I have not been updating much - that is partially because I've been busy with other things (like house hunting for my folks, my deep love for making customs, writing articles, etc.) but also because I haven't purchased anything substantial in the way of cardboard. Until now. I was recently browsing some online ads, and ran across someone who said they had a million cards for sale. My mind immediately goes to the following: - the dude doesn't have a million cards - the cardboard mobile