Home Alone

My wife and son are up north for the next several days visiting friends.  It has been strange having the house all to myself.  Instead of family activities, I've been filling my time with eating plenty of non organic junk food and catching up on mah stories like FINALLY finishing Parks & Recreation  (though I wouldn't call Parks & Rec rubbish!)  Actual footage of me this week... This also means I have more free time to create custom cards for my collection :)  For the first card, I wanted to do something fun with one of the new Rated Rookie

Holographic Projection Custom Card

Today, I played around with some video and graphics editing programs to see what a holographic projection baseball card would look like, using my most recent baseball video card custom.  Here is a video and a pic.  I think they turned out cool!  

Hacking Baseball Cards

Over the past three years, I have shared many instances online of how I hacked up baseball cards and memorabilia.  It has been fun.  Nerve-wracking at times, but fun.  This showcase, on the other hand, is a completely different kind of hacking. If you grew up in the '90s, hackers were all the rage.  Computers, the internet and the term "cyberspace" were hot topics.  The baseball card industry caught wind of this and made every attempt to acclimate.  Pacific had an online set that would direct you to a website and punch in a code.  Topps had Cyberstats and Upper Deck

Floppruss – When you can’t decide which RC you like best!

Have a tough time figuring out which rookie card you like the best?  Look no further!  I present to you... Utilizing the Topps design, Fleer action shot and Donruss portrait :)   Available for sale ... NOWHERE.  Just a fun gag project :)

Crazy Triple Booklet Custom

Over the past three years, I've done a lot of different things.  I've tried to do things that card companies have not done before.  There is one thing I've shied away from, and that is using super premium pieces.  It is coming up on two years since I was at Canseco's house, and while I have no shortage of player-worn material, I have not done much in the way of custom cards with premium pieces. The main reason for this is because I simply haven't felt "good enough", so to speak, to cut into a lot of the good stuff

Two Customs and a Funeral

This past week has been kind of a whirlwind for us here.  My wife's grandmother passed away, and her funeral was out of town last weekend.  We didn't know her very well - the last time we saw her was at our wedding, which was over 16 years ago.  She was 95 years old, and according to many, she was a sweet, caring and giving woman. We aren't fancy folk here.  We have manual doors on our minivan, and we print our directions out from google.  When it was time to drive out of town for the funeral, we had

The Tri-Star Show, Star Wars and … Big Bird?

I have taken close to a two year hiatus from going to the card show.  The past few times, I simply didn't have any luck finding some good lots to wheel & deal, so I didn't feel much of a pull to go.  When Tri-Star rolled into town this past weekend, I decided on a whim to take the hike up there with my man-child in tow.  Things are different now: My son is 2 feet taller I wasn't in line before they opened I only went one day, instead of three I didn't have a rolling suitcase to carry

Filling a Void

As a focused card collector, you probably appreciate checklists.  You might actually live and die by them.  It gives you something to shoot for - there is a tangible finish line, so to speak.  With the invention of 1/1's and crazy amounts of parallels, that finish line has become all but a mirage, like an oasis in a desert.  As collectors, what are we to do?  Well, you can go one of two ways. 1) Self-imposed limits - Since having 100% of the cards of a player or team is impossible now, I've seen many people say they will ONLY

ESPN Tweeted My Link!

So 2 nights ago, Darren Rovell of ESPN tweeted out my website... So, this is what happened with the traffic: Cool stuff! Also, as a thank you to Darren for tweeting out my link, I created a digital edition card for him commemorating his 89 Fleer Rick Face story. (Black box version used for obvious reasons!) Oh, and finally, to commemorate Rogue One Day, a family pic w/ticket relic:

Custom Nameplate Set for YOUR Family!

I've been asked about this before, so here it is! If you are interested in having a custom nameplate set of cards for your last name / your child's name / etc. I'm now offering this as a service! I've done one set before, and that was of Canseco (of course). Here is one close up: And the entire set ... Last but not least, the entire write up: https://tanmanbaseballfan.com/2016/07/two-years-making.html So, here is how it will work! You pick out the jersey colors, tell me the name and send me a picture of who you want this to be for.