An Expletive Flip Quest Update …

Just a few things here to update. A baby gate we picked up for $1 sold for $40. The bumbo we got for $5 was sold for $20. I did a trade for these beauties: These plaques are of Canseco, Palmeiro and Giambi ... all of which include a game used ball - well, at least from the 2001 Big League Challenge.  Cool pieces!  I will likely rip off one of the ball pieces to use in a custom at some point, if they don't sell before I do! Last but not least, I traded for these beauties: Two GEM

Journey of a Thousand Jeters has Come to an End

Not too long ago, I opened myself up to the world of custom cut autographs.  I made these "nAutos" (not-autos) - I thought they came out pretty slick, even though there wasn't a picture of the players on them. It was from this point on, (actually, before this even) that my entire collecting / custom card creation hobby was turned around. Everything that had an autograph on it became a potential 1 of 1 masterpiece in my head! A Mickey Mantle signed ... ANYTHING could be turned into a work of art .... All of the card companies do it...why

My favorite day of the week…

I figured I would update this post since today is GARAGE SALE DAY. One of my favorite days of the week. First, all my cards have sold. I had gotten some in on a trade, but they are gone already too. So, this thread is now card free ... which will probably only last for a few days, I'd imagine. Here is the "stuff" I picked up today at the garage sale. First, this beauty. Note the uber serious gangsta look I'm sporting. Yes, I take my doll buying/selling seriously. (Actually, this is going to my dad to have him

So, you want to be a Sports Card Dealer Rock Star

Father’s Day Customs Edition: MONOPOLY & FOUR CORE STYLE

First and foremost, I'm going to have to give a shout out to my family - my wife and son for the BEST Father's Day present ... EVER. They got me a brand new Corvette! Okay, not really. They did something better! Over the past several days, I have found them sneaking around, locking themselves up in my office. One day after work, I shouted up to them "hey come down here, you two - I'm getting lonely!" Well, it was all worth it. If you know me, you know I am a bit of a Monopoly buff. Not that

Flip Quest Update 6/14/14

Well, today was garage saling/selling/sailing (which is it? no matter - I'll be sure to continue to use all of them interchangeably) day - over the first hour, I had ZERO luck. I think I just started out too early. I was able to shell out $30 clams for the following pieces of furniture: Solid buys, if you ask me! 1 educational book and all of my vintage cards sold as well! EDIT:  I forgot to post that the Game of Thrones cards sold also. Anywho, here is the update: DEAL TRACKER CARDS Card lot as shown in 6/13 post

Flip Quest Update

First ... AHHHHH!!!! FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, now that I got that out of my system ... Quite a bit of movement this time 'round. I sold the 3 home security cameras, one of the other type of cameras and photography equipment. I also picked up another nicely diverse lot of things ranging from baseball, football, race cards, soccer and game of thrones. One of the Game of Thrones autos is a $70-80 card, the Bridgewater auto is #5 of 5 and the Ricketts is #1/5. The Trout is really slick also! Those are the stand outs. Selling in lots

Flip Quest Update

After being out until nearly 2am last night with some friends (as party-animal as that sounds, it was just a few of us hanging outside a bar. Well, at a fro-yo store that was next to the bar!) I was really debating whether or not to go garage saling with the wife the next morning. After all, I only had $53 to invest in my flip quest.  The flip quest is really what has been motivating me to go these past few weeks. I'm glad I went today! I picked up a few small things, but the really good purchase

A weekend of meeting my childhood heroes – A story of customs and autographs

As a kid, you always dream of meeting your favorite ball players. I was fortunate enough to have met Jose Canseco twice over the past two years. Whenever someone would go to a show, I would always think that the people who paid these big bucks to get autographs were ... well ... nuts! Why pay $100 on an autograph, when you could get them on ebay for half or less? As I have been creating custom cards over the past few months now, my eyes have been opened. What a rockin' ice breaker to be able to talk to

Color Explosion at the Donruss Factory!

Before you read anything else, if you like one of these and want them autographed, let me know! The show is this weekend, and I am looking for some extra scratch to get them autographed myself as well! WARNING WARNING WARNING   The following pictures may cause an artifical digitally induced sugar rush. Haters of these  or these    or even these    need not apply. (Shout out to the double rainbow dude for making it okay for guys to like rainbows again.)  With that said, let's get to it. As you probably well know by now, Christmas is just around