Bonus Chapter: The Art of Rebuilding

Just because my book Confessions of a Baseball Card Addict is finally finished and available, doesn't mean that my journey is over.  On my walk last night, I thought it would be a fun idea to add a thirteenth chapter and post it online for everyone to read who is interested.  Think of this not as an online post to be read while skimming over a thousand other posts, but rather as an online chapter of a book to be enjoyed when you have time to do so.  That almost doesn't need to be said, because ... well ... look who's

The $107,868 Lesson, My Book, and Starting Over

If you haven't noticed, I haven't been very active anywhere online for a while.  In fact, November marks the first month in SEVEN YEARS that I didn't write at least one article.  There is a reason for that.  In October, my family suffered a terrible loss by losing my father.  Life tends to stand still when something like this happens - especially when you are as close to someone like we all were to him.  While things are getting better a little day by day, dad passing away left a huge hole in all of our hearts. We are very

In Memory of My Dad

For those of you who didn't have a pleasure of knowing him the way my family did, I'd like to tell you a little bit about my dad. Duane Jones was born on August 12th, 1954.  If you knew him as a child, you may have pitied him.  He had a rough childhood, enduring abuse and neglect.  He even lived in a tent on the beach for a while.  As a teenager, you may have known him as a druggie, a thief and a street racer.  His car was equipped with a police scanner, which would be useful to "exit stage right" if

Canseco Card Curator Cries Card Collecting Can Curb Counting Calories

My name is Tanner, and I love food.  Growing up, I simply didn't know calories existed, so I didn't know they mattered...until I became an adult.  Boy, did I come to an ugly realization of what happens when you replace playing basketball with a desk job!  Weight can be put on quickly.  Especially if you weren't living at home with mom & dad telling you an IV drip of Dr. Pepper isn't exactly an ideal lifestyle choice.  Goodness ... A McDonalds Supersized #4 with Dr Pepper easy ice while watching a movie ... perfection! Don't lie to yourself and say that

How to Sell a Collection of Baseball Cards

If you knew me before I created customs and "The Canseco years", you knew me as a writer / reseller / pseudo dealer.  I'd drive around town and buy massive collections, then load the cards up in my cardboard mobile (my minivan) - the ultimate test for the shocks and wheel well clearance.  I'd then take pictures, write about the experience and sell. Out of the millions of cards I've done deals for, my Canseco collection is certainly on another level. It has definitely been my biggest sales undertaking from a value perspective - especially considering I haven't done a whole

The 1,622 Day Wait is Over

Do you remember what you were doing in 2014?  I remember I was contemplating supercollecting my childhood hero Jose Canseco.  Players like Jose Abreu and Yasiel Puig were dominating baseball.  Obama was our president, my son 11 years old, a foot shorter than me and his voice was about 3 octaves higher than it is now. Another thing that I was doing was waiting for a redemption.  A 2014 Topps Strata jersey / auto #/25 of Jose Canseco, to be exact.  A collector from Sweden reached out to tell me he had the redemption card for sale.  Rather than spend a

Selling Canseco: 33 Days Later

Part of me wanted to give a daily update on how things were going, but frankly, it has been a whirlwind since I announced my retirement on June 30th.  The massive amount of time I used to spend obsessively checking eBay, the forums and social media for Canseco cards I didn't have, has not been replaced with naps and leisurely lounging poolside.  No, it has been replaced with quoting prices, accepting payments, pulling cards, packing them up, driving to USPS and ghosting them from the website.  I have just crossed the one month mark a few days ago of not

Radicards Video Interview

Patrick of recently sat down with me to discuss a bit of my hobby history.  I had a lot of fun talking with him as always.  Mayhaps a little too much fun, as it was over 1 hour and 20 minutes long!  :) Check it out!

Selling Canseco: Day 2

Day two picked up where day one left off:  shipping out LOTS of cardboard.  I have to say, a part of me is having a lot of fun filling people's want lists.  Whether it is the stack of Pinnacle Museum cards going out to a collector in Sweden, or several blank back cards to a collector of errors.  Heck, even those who were just starting their collecting journey and decided to pick up some cards that more advanced collectors wouldn't think twice about.  I guess you can say that I'm happy so far that everything seems to be going to

Selling Canseco – Day One

To say the first 24 hours after "going public" with the information has been a whirlwind would be an understatement. I ended up spending from Saturday evening all the way until late last night, fielding questions and taking orders. Here is one of my favorite requests: ThoseBackPages wrote me saying he wanted to purchase my 1986 Donruss Highlights PSA 10, but on one condition. I had to sign it directly on the case. On the front. In green. Here it is! Topps sketch artist Mike James reached out saying the following, which I got a kick out of: Out of