Customs, Patch Peek-a-boo and How to House Annoying Sized Cards

"They look too much like the last several years." "These seem to be a bit boring." "Maybe it is time for them to retire this line." I've heard a lot of criticism of the 2016 Allen & Ginter line, and I was actually not too terribly excited about them myself. They just seemed to uninspired to me. And then they hit eBay. As a Canseco collector, the pictures the card companies use are important to me, and Topps hit the nail on the head. The 2016 base rendition is my absolute favorite base A&G of any of them. Allen &

Catch me on Beckett Radio this Thursday @ 4PM CST

Beckett Radio interviewed me, and you can catch it at 4PM CST this Thursday at - A special thanks to Eric Norton (@ericnorton316 on Twitter) for reaching out! UPDATE:  They posted it early.  Here is the direct link! - it starts at around the 10 minute mark.